How to Transport Heavy Concrete / An awesome class by Michael Karmody

Slay Your Concrete Leviathan 

Slay Your Concrete Leviathan 

Casting a large piece of concrete is one thing, moving it is another story entirely. The battle begins a few days after casting. You stare at the behemoth before you, racking your brain trying to figure out the most effective and safe method of flipping it. If you happen to get it flipped without damaging it, your equipment or person the next phase begins - designing, building and transferring the concrete to a transport cart. Once on the cart you have to get it into a truck, secured, moved, unloaded and finally placed. Ah yes, placement of this concrete titan, most likely with the client and other onlookers watching, judging, suggesting; the pressure is immense. 

Michael Karmody can help. In this premiere workshop, Michael will take you through the thought processes, strategies, methods and mechanics of accomplishing the above described tasks in style and with panache. Sign up today and slay your concrete leviathan. 

What is Concrete Design School?

GFRC training attendee learning how to properly spray a face-coat for a concrete sink

GFRC training attendee learning how to properly spray a face-coat for a concrete sink

Concrete Design School is the continuation and progression of training workshops that Brandon Gore of Gore Design Co. and Hard Goods has held since 2005. The objective of these workshops is to elevate the industry, to raise the bar of what can be done with concrete and increase expectations from the public at large as to what good concrete should be. Over the last decade we have taught hundreds of individuals, many going on to launch award-winning leading decorative concrete companies. We look forward to the future of concrete!